This is for Visual Studio 2008.
I have Tools|Projects and Solutions|Build and Run|On Run, when projects are out of date
set to Always build
I put the following function in my NuGet_profile.ps1
function debugnobuild() {
# temporarily disable build (same as Properties -> Configuration -> ..)
$buildProjects = @($DTE.Solution.SolutionBuild.ActiveConfiguration.SolutionContexts |
where ShouldBuild | foreach {
$_.ShouldBuild = $false
try {
# start debugging
finally {
# undo changes
$DTE.Solution.SolutionBuild.ActiveConfiguration.SolutionContexts |
where { $buildProjects -contains $_.ProjectName } | foreach {
$_.ShouldBuild = $true
Then just call debugnobuild
(or any name you prefer) in the Package Manager Console.