I\'m trying to resolve an error very similar to the one outlined here:
InvalidOperationException when calling SaveChanges in .NET Entity framework
It appears tha
Short correction for
SaveOptions.DetectChangesBeforeSave : this is the default. When you do ObjectContext.SaveChanges(), the method DetectChanges() is called to synchronized attach entities in the OSM.
SaveChanges is an overloaded version of SaveChanges(SaveOptions optsions)
method, where this parameterless version calls this
SaveChanges(SaveOptions.DetectChangesBeforeSave | SaveOptions.AcceptAllChangesAfterSave)
SaveOptions is a Flag enum and in conclusion, SaveOptions.DetectChangesBeforeSave | SaveOptions.AcceptAllChangesAfterSave
is the default of SaveChanges()
not the DetectChangesBeforeSave