I\'m trying to resolve an error very similar to the one outlined here:
InvalidOperationException when calling SaveChanges in .NET Entity framework
It appears tha
In a nutshell (from what I understand):
: this is the default. When you do ObjectContext.SaveChanges(), the method DetectChanges() is called to synchronized attach entities in the OSM.
: When you do ObjectContext.SaveChanges(), the method AcceptAllChanges() is called - which is the guts of the OSM, where the entities in the graph are iterated, addresses and set to Unchanged/Detached.
: When you do ObjectContext.SaveChanges(), changes are saved immeditately - no synchronization at all. Whatever is in the graph is what will be saved.
In my experience I have not changed this - I've left it as the default (DetectChangesBeforeSave).
Sometimes with POCOs I have heard you need to explicitly call DetectChanges
, but I've never seen a recommendation/solution to change the SaveOptions to none.
Are you sure the solution in that question is to set SaveOptions to none? Maybe you should provide detail (or ask a separate question) as to the error you're getting, as a change like this will affect your entire persistence layer.