It seems that an abstract class means the definition of the class is not complete and hence cannot be instantiated.
And I saw some simple Java code which has an abstract
Yes, there is. Sometimes you know you're creating an abstract class - one that will have to be derived from to make any actual sense, but you want to provide a default implementation to all the methods. This doesn't happen a lot, but it does happen.
UPDATE: I just had a case like this. I'm recording various user generated events. Each event has a TimeSpan and a Description, and they all have other things as well. I've created a base event class:
public abstract class BaseEvent
public TimeSpan EventTime {get; private set;}
public string Description {get; protected set;}
public BaseEvent(TimeSpan time, string desc) ...
Granted, this is C# and not Java, but had I written this in Java, I would have done exactly the same thing)