I have a few config options in my application along the lines of
const bool ExecuteThis=true;
const bool ExecuteThat=false;
and then code that
The quickest way to "Just get rid of it" without modifying your code would be to use
#pragma warning disable 0162
On your Namespace, class or method where you want to supress the warning.
For example, this wont throw the warning anymore:
#pragma warning disable 0162
namespace ConsoleApplication4
public class Program
public const bool something = false;
static void Main(string[] args)
if (something) { Console.WriteLine(" Not something" ); }
However be warn that NO METHOD inside this namespace will throw the warning again... and well.. warnings are there for a reason (what if it happened when you did NOT planned it to be unreachable?)
I guess a safer way would be to write the variables in a configuration file, and read them from there at the beginning of the program, that way you don't even need to recompile to have your different versions/releases! Just change the app file and go :D.
about the speed penalty.. yes.. making it this way would inquire in a speed penalty... compared to using const
but unless you are really worried about wating 1/100 of a millisecond more.. I would go for it that way.