I\'m new to Twitter Bootstrap. I wrote following HTML:
You are not using row-fluid in the correct place , thats why you are seeing the issue. Row-fluid creates a row inside which you can create columns using span classes , and since row-fluid uses percentage it will expand to fill all available horizontal space when on a large screen, and shrink columns to keep them from vertically stacking as the screen resizes.
So the basic principle is to use row-fluid this way :
@Html.ActionLink(item.Name, "Details", new { id = item.Id }, new { @class = "JumpLinks", @style = "font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;" })
Thats why when you removed row-fluid and replaced it with span12 your issue was resolved . Also the best practice is to assign span with a class with property of width :100% , like :
width: 100%;
Then use it in your code like :
Avoid using span12 inside a span4 .