I have a little confused about gcloud with python3
After I installed gcloud in python3 env and I tried to example Quickstart for Python in the App Engine Flexible Enviro
Inside the install.sh
, it says python3 is supported but not prioritised because python 2 is, I think, more ubiquitous. It means if you are running macOS, add a line of environment variable by echo "export CLOUDSDK_PYTHON=/your/path/to/python3" >> ~/.bash_profile
will allow gcloud to use whichever python3 is located.
If it doesn't work, then point it to whichever python 2 and only use python 3 for your own work should solve the problem.
# if CLOUDSDK_PYTHON is empty
if [ -z "$CLOUDSDK_PYTHON" ]; then
# if python2 exists then plain python may point to a version != 2
if _cloudsdk_which python2 >/dev/null; then
elif _cloudsdk_which python2.7 >/dev/null; then
# this is what some OS X versions call their built-in Python
elif _cloudsdk_which python >/dev/null; then
# Use unversioned python if it exists.
elif _cloudsdk_which python3 >/dev/null; then
# We support python3, but only want to default to it if nothing else is
# found.
# This won't work because it wasn't found above, but at this point this
# is our best guess for the error message.