I want to check if a list of stored procedures exist. I want this all to be done in 1 script, one by one. So far I have this format:
USE [myDatabase]
One idiom that I've been using lately that I like quite a lot is:
if exists (select 1 from sys.objects where object_id = object_id('dbo.yourProc'))
set noexec on
create procedure dbo.yourProc as
select 1 as [not yet implemented]
set noexec off
alter procedure dbo.yourProc as
/*body of procedure here*/
Essentially, you're creating a stub if the procedure doesn't exist and then altering either the stub (if it was just created) or the pre-existing procedure. The nice thing about this is that you don't drop a pre-existing procedure which drops all the permissions as well. You can also cause issues with any application that happens to want it in that brief instant where it doesn't exist.
[Edit 2018-02-09] - In SQL 2016 SP1, create procedure
and drop procedure
got some syntactic sugar that helps with this kind of thing. Specifically, you can now do this:
create or alter dbo.yourProc as
drop procedure if exists dbo.yourProc;
Both provide idempotency in the intended statement (i.e. you can run it multiple times and the desired state). This is how I'd do it now (assuming you're on a version of SQL Server that supports it).