I am trying the following firebase deploy
command and I get the following error:
Error: Authorization failed. This account is missing the fol
Follow the next steps :
firebase projects:list
Result :
│ Name │ Project ID / Instance │ Permissions │
│ itest │ chrome-epigram-510 │ O │
Use command :
firebase use chrome-epigram-510
Result : Now using project chrome-epigram-510
Use command
firebase deploy
=== Deploying to 'chrome-epigram-510'...
i deploying hosting
i hosting[chrome-epigram-510]: beginning deploy...
i hosting[chrome-epigram-510]: found 9 files in dist/icrm
+ hosting[chrome-epigram-510]: file upload complete
i hosting[chrome-epigram-510]: finalizing version...
+ hosting[chrome-epigram-510]: version finalized
i hosting[chrome-epigram-510]: releasing new version...
+ hosting[chrome-epigram-510]: release complete
+ Deploy complete!
Hosting URL: https://chrome-epigram-510.firebaseapp.com