I am getting the error: \"Ambiguous method call\" on initializing Toolbar using Android Studio 3.0 RC1. I have extended my Activity with AppCompatActivity and compiling my appli
I ran into the same issue with Android Studio 3.0.0 build 171.4408382. Building via Gradle on the command line worked just fine, but the IDE presented me with the above mentioned error. I have tried to use API level 26 with appcompat v26.1.0 and API level 27 with appcompat v27.0.1, but neither combination worked.
My "solution" was to downgrade compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to API level 25 and the appcompat library to version 25.4.0.
For all of the mentioned version combinations I used Gradle plugin v3.0.0 and the Android build tool v27.0.1.