I need to check the duration of a group of audio files. Is there a simple way to do this on the unix command-line?
> duration *
I have the a
will return to you the milliseconds of an audio file. Assuming the current directory only has audio files, the following
mediainfo --Inform="Audio;%Duration%" "Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball.mp3"
To calculate the duration of all audio in the local directory, this gist will help:
shopt -s nullglob
let playlist_duration_ms=0
for song_file in *.{mp3,ogg,m4a,flac,wav}; do
playlist_duration_ms=$(expr $playlist_duration_ms + $(mediainfo --Inform="Audio;%Duration%" "$song_file"))
shopt -u nullglob
let playlist_duration_secs=$(expr $playlist_duration_ms / 1000)
let playlist_duration_mins=$(expr $playlist_duration_ms / 60000)
let playlist_duration_remaining_secs=$(expr $playlist_duration_secs - $(expr $playlist_duration_mins \* 60))
echo $playlist_duration_mins minutes, $playlist_duration_remaining_secs seconds