I\'ve got the \"Object is possibly null\" error many times and usually I use a safety \"if statement\" in case it returns null.
I\'ve got the following function:
If you really know that in executing time you dont have a error here then just put :
(overlayEl as any).current
If not, better use:
if (typeof overlayEl !== 'undefined' &&
typeof overlayEl.current !== 'undefined' &&
overlayEl.current === null) {
// Or
try {
// you code here ...
// This is fine way to check by order -> parent.parent.FinalInstance
// Also try & catch will handle all bad situation about current error
overlay && overlayEl.current && overlayEl.current.focus();
} catch(e){
console.log("Real null >> ", e);
// Suggest if i am wrong in syntax somewhere ,this is fast answer ;)