I\'m trying to take every open tweets in a hashtag but my code does not go further than 299 tweets.
I also trying to take tweets from a specific time line like tweets on
Sorry, I can't answer in comment, too long. :)
Sure :) Check this example: Advanced searched for #data keyword 2015 may - 2016 july Got this url: https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=%23data%20since%3A2015-05-01%20until%3A2016-07-31&src=typd
session = requests.session()
keyword = 'data'
date1 = '2015-05-01'
date2 = 2016-07-31
session.get('https://twitter.com/search?l=&q=%23+keyword+%20since%3A+date1+%20until%3A+date2&src=typd', streaming = True)
Now we have all the requested tweets, Probably you could have problems with 'pagination' Pagination url ->
Probably you could put a random tweet id, or you can parse first, or requests some data from twitter. It can be done.
Use Chrome's networking tab to find all the requested information :)