I have a problem with ecrypting data using AES-128/ecb/PKCS5Padding+base64. I am using the following code to encrypt my data:
String input = \"{\\\"action\\\":\\
You can validate the output from your Java method at the command line using openssl. Java will default your IV to 0 if unspecified.
The file "enc.txt" contains "6GuKXA6FFR+yMmO8ksAEOLL5e574a5tLob7tt5IG+jk=" [corrected]
openssl aes-128-ecb -in enc.txt -a -K 4288f0b8060ca1b682bf795f2617cfdc -iv 0 -d
The result is:
Try your mcrypt_decrypt with an $iv value of 0.