I am using OmniAuth to get access to Facebook in my app. I am using the fb_graph gem: https://github.com/nov/fb_graph to post to Facebook. I am running omniauth-0.3.0 on Heroku
Can't we refresh the token using FBGraph gem with follwing method in such case?
auth = FbGraph::Auth.new(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)
auth.exchange_token! access_token # Needs fb_graph 2.3.1+
auth.access_token # => new token
However, This will not extend token's expiry but will replace token with new one. Expiry time will remain same. Checked it with FB, They may not allow to extend FB token expiry more than 60 days. Maximum token validity is 60-days.
reference: https://github.com/nov/fb_graph/wiki/Authentication#wiki-extend-token-expiry