I found a lot of post in stackoverflow about NSTimer
run in background.
However I didn\'t find any solution.
In my app , I play sound in background
I know this post is relatively old but I recently ran into this problem and was having some trouble figuring it out. This is the solution I came up with as of Swift 5. It uses a combination of the RunLoop and Timer classes, with information about them in the provided links below.
Using timers
Using run loops
Sample code:
class AMSleepTimerUtil: NSObject {
static let shared = AMSleepTimerUtil()
fileprivate var sleepTimer: Timer?
/// Initialize the timer to trigger a function to execute after a duration of time
/// - Parameter seconds: the time delay until the selector function executes
/// - Returns: true if sleep timer were successfully initialized
func createTimerToStopMusic(at seconds: TimeInterval) -> Bool {
let fireAtDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: seconds)
self.sleepTimer = Timer(fireAt: fireAtDate,
interval: 0,
target: self,
selector: #selector(pauseMusic),
userInfo: nil,
repeats: false)
guard let sleepTimer = sleepTimer else { return false }
RunLoop.main.add(sleepTimer, forMode: .common)
return true
func pauseMusic() {
guard let audioPlayer = AMNowPlayingViewController.sharedInstance()?.audioPlayer else { return }
/// Used to reset the sleep timer before initializing a new timer if the user clicks the "Set Timer" multiple times
func stopSleepTimer() {
if sleepTimer != nil {
sleepTimer = nil
func sleepTimerIsActive() -> Bool {
return self.sleepTimer != nil