I have trouble using MembershipReboot
with the new ASP MVC5 template and Autofac
. I have used the default MVC5 template to set up the site and then tri
There's a newer sample that does DI with AutoFac for MVC:
See if this helps.
If you don't want to use HttpContext.Current
you could do something like this:
app.Use(async (ctx, next) =>
// this creates a per-request, disposable scope
using (var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope(b =>
// this makes owin context resolvable in the scope
// this makes scope available for downstream frameworks
ctx.Set("idsrv:AutofacScope", scope);
await next();
This is what we're doing internally for some of our apps. You'd need to wire up your Web API service resolver to look for "idsrv:AutofacScope". Tugberk has a post on this: