I am making a module and I need to make an ajax request, with JSON response if possible, how can i do this ? I don\'t understand really well the structure of Prestashop 1.7 on
This is pretty simple, you just have to make the controller with Prestashop's standards then link it to your frontend Javascript.
Name a php file like this : ./modules/modulename/controllers/front/ajax.php
Then put inside :
$cookie = $context->cookie;
$customer = $context->customer;
$id_lang = $cookie->id_lang;
// Default response with translation from the module
$response = array('status' => false, "message" => $module->l('Nothing here.'));
switch (Tools::getValue('action')) {
case 'action_name':
// Edit default response and do some work here
$response = array('status' => true, "message" => $module->l('It works !'));
// Classic json response
$json = Tools::jsonEncode($response);
echo $json;
// For displaying like any other use this method to assign and display your template placed in modules/modulename/views/template/front/...
// Just put some vars in your template
// $this->context->smarty->assign(array('var1'=>'value1'));
// $this->setTemplate('template.tpl');
// For sending a template in ajax use this method
// $this->context->smarty->fetch('template.tpl');
In your Module Hooks, you need to bring access to the route in JS, so we basicaly make a variable :
// In your module PHP
public function hookFooter($params)
// Create a link with the good path
$link = new Link;
$parameters = array("action" => "action_name");
$ajax_link = $link->getModuleLink('modulename','controller', $parameters);
"ajax_link" => $ajax_link
On the frontend side, you just call it like this in a JS file (with jQuery here) :
// ajax_link has been set in hookfooter, this is the best way to do it
$.getJSON(ajax_link, {parameter1 : "value"}, function(data) {
if(typeof data.status !== "undefined") {
// Use your new datas here
And voila, you have your ajax ready to use controller