I am able to get list of timezones using
NSArray *timezoneNames = [NSTimeZone knownTimeZoneNames] ;
but the generated list of timezones does no
Settings.app uses a plist file to display the timezone list. The name of file is: "all_cities_adj.plist". To get to this file you need to traverse deep down into the SDK itself. I have mentioned the traverse path below where you can find it.
1.Go to the folder where you have your Xcode. 2.Right-Click on it and then click Show Package Contents. 3.Then Contents --> Developer --> Platforms --> iPhoneSimulator.platform --> Developer --> SDKs --> iPhoneSimulator6.1.sdk --> System --> Library --> PrivateFrameworks --> AppSupport.framework 4.In this folder you can find the plist file.
Please let me know if it helped...