I am using live555 and ffmpeg libraries to get and decode RTP H264 stream from server; Video stream was encoded by ffmpeg, using Baseline profile and
Ok. This my simple example, which decode H264 stream, which received from liveMedia library. It can decode frames, which are truncated not only at boundary of frames.
class H264Decoder : public AbstractDecoder
H264Decoder( QObject* parent = nullptr );
virtual ~H264Decoder();
public slots:
virtual bool decodeFrame(SharedEncodedFrame orig_frame) override;
//sended when we have new decoded frame
void newDecodedFrame( QImage img );
void storePicture(std::vector& res);
AVCodec* m_decoder;
AVCodecContext* m_decoderContext;
int m_got_picture;
AVFrame* m_picture;
AVPacket m_packet;
And this is realization:
#include "H264Decoder.hpp"
#include "ImgConverting.hpp"
extern "C"
using namespace std;
H264Decoder::H264Decoder( QObject *parent)
: AbstractDecoder(parent), m_decoder(nullptr), m_decoderContext(nullptr),
m_got_picture(0), m_picture(nullptr)
m_decoder = avcodec_find_decoder(CODEC_ID_H264);
if (!m_decoder)
QString str = QString("Can't find H264 decoder!");
emit criticalError(str);
m_decoderContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(m_decoder);
if (m_decoder->capabilities & CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED)
m_decoderContext->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED;
//we can receive truncated frames
m_decoderContext->flags2 |= CODEC_FLAG2_CHUNKS;
m_decoderContext->thread_count = 4;//TODO: random value. May be changing can make decoding faster
AVDictionary* dictionary = nullptr;
if (avcodec_open2(m_decoderContext, m_decoder, &dictionary) < 0)
QString str = QString("Failed to open decoder!");
emit criticalError(str);
qDebug() << "H264 Decoder successfully opened";
m_picture = avcodec_alloc_frame();
qDebug() << "ACHTUNG!!! H264Decoder deleted!!!\r\n\r\n";
if (m_decoderContext)
delete m_decoderContext;
bool H264Decoder::decodeFrame(SharedEncodedFrame orig_frame)
Frame_t enc_frame;
orig_frame >> enc_frame;
m_packet.size = enc_frame.size();
m_packet.data = enc_frame.data();
qDebug() << "H264Decoder: received encoded frame with framesize " << enc_frame.size();
while(m_packet.size > 0)
int got_picture;
int len = avcodec_decode_video2(m_decoderContext, m_picture, &got_picture, &m_packet);
if (len < 0)
QString err("Decoding error");
qDebug() << err;
return false;
if (got_picture)
qDebug() << "H264Decoder: frame decoded!";
std::vector result;
if ( m_picture->format == PIX_FMT_YUV420P )
static SwsContext *m_swsCtx = NULL;
QImage frame_img = QImage(m_picture->width, m_picture->height, QImage::Format_RGB888);
m_swsCtx = sws_getCachedContext ( m_swsCtx, m_picture->width,
m_picture->height, PIX_FMT_YUV420P,
m_picture->width, m_picture->height,
uint8_t *dstSlice[] = { frame_img.bits() };
int dstStride = frame_img.width() * 3;
if (sws_scale ( m_swsCtx, m_picture->data, m_picture->linesize,
0, m_picture->height, dstSlice, &dstStride ) != m_picture->height )
qDebug() << "PIZDETS!!!";
qDebug() << "New decoded image!";
emit newDecodedFrame(frame_img);
else if (m_picture->format == PIX_FMT_RGB32)
QImage img = QImage(result.data(), m_picture->width, m_picture->height, QImage::Format_RGB32);
qDebug() << "New decoded image!";
emit newDecodedFrame(img);
else if (m_picture->format == PIX_FMT_RGB24)
QImage img = QImage(result.data(), m_picture->width, m_picture->height, QImage::Format_RGB888);
qDebug() << "New decoded image!";
emit newDecodedFrame(img);
QString err = QString( "Unsupported pixel format! Can't create QImage!");
qDebug() << err;
emit criticalError( err );
return false;
m_packet.size -= len;
m_packet.data += len;
return true;
void H264Decoder::storePicture(std::vector& res)
for (size_t i = 0; i < AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS; i++)
std::copy(m_picture->data[i], m_picture->data[i] +
m_picture->linesize[i]*m_picture->height, std::back_inserter(res));
I send newDecodedFrame to GUI thread, where this QImage will be drawn at some widget.
P.S: This comment is very long for posting as comment's comment