I would like to annotate a heatmap with the values that I pass from a dataframe into the function below. I have looked at matplotlib.text but have not been able to get the value
You also can use plotly.figure_factory to create heatmap from DataFrame, but you have convert it into list.
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
z = [your_dataframe].values.tolist()
x = [your_dataframe].columns.tolist()
y = [your_dataframe].index.tolist()
fig = ff.create_annotated_heatmap(z, x=x, y=y, annotation_text=z, colorscale='viridis')
# for add annotation into Heatmap
for i in range(len(fig.layout.annotations)):
fig.layout.annotations[i].font.size = 12
# show your Heatmap