Here is my server
\"\"\"Server using epoll method\"\"\"
import os
import select
import socket
import time
from oodict import OODict
addr = (\
The issue why you're not detecting EPOLLHUP/EPOLLERR in your code is because of the bitwise operations you are doing. See when a socket is ready to read epoll will throw a flag with bit 1 which is equal to select.EPOLLIN (select.EPOLLIN == 1). Now say the client hangs up (gracefully or not) epoll on the server will throw a flag with bit 25 which is equal to EPOLLIN+EPOLLERR+EPOLLHUP. So with the bit 25 (event variable in your code) you can see how EPOLLERR is not being detected because all of your elif statements (with the exception of EPOLLOUT line) don't return 0 so the first elif statement is executed, for example:
>>> event = 25
>>> event & EPOLLIN
>>> event & EPOLLERR
>>> event & EPOLLHUP
>>> event & EPOLLOUT
Notice how the first three don't return 0? That's why your code isn't detecting EPOLLERR/EPOLLHUP correctly. When a client hangs up you can still read from the socket as the server side is still up (of course it would return 0 data if you did) hence EPOLLIN but since the client hung up it's also EPOLLHUP and since it's EPOLLHUP it's also EPOLLERR as a hangup is somewhat of an error. I know I'm late on commenting on this but I hope I helped someone out there lol
Here is a way I would rewrite your code to express what I'm saying better:
import os
import select
import socket
import time
from oodict import OODict
addr = ('localhost', 8989)
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.setblocking(0) # Non blocking socket server
epoll = select.epoll()
read_only = select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLPRI | select.EPOLLHUP | select.EPOLLERR
read_write = read_only | select.EPOLLOUT
biterrs = [25,24,8,16,9,17,26,10,18] #Bitwise error numbers
cs = {}
data = ''
while True:
events = epoll.poll(1) # Timeout 1 second
print 'Polling %d events' % len(events)
for fileno, event in events:
if fileno == s.fileno():
sk, addr = s.accept()
print addr
cs[sk.fileno()] = sk
elif (event is select.EPOLLIN) or (event is select.EPOLLPRI):
data = cs[fileno].recv(4)
print 'recv ', data
epoll.modify(fileno, read_write)
elif event is select.EPOLLOUT:
print 'send ', data
data = ''
epoll.modify(fileno, read_only)
elif event in biterrs:
print 'err'