I am trying to perform some data processing in a GAE application over data that is stored in the Datastore. The bottleneck point is the throughput in which the query returns ent
In case anyone is interested, I was able to significantly increase the throughput of the data processing by re-designing the component - it was suggested that I change the data models but that was not possible.
First, I segmented the data and then processed each data segment in a separate taskqueue.Task instead of calling multiple fetch_page_async from a single task (as I described in the first post). Initially, these tasks were processed by GAE sequentially utilizing only a single Fx instance. To achieve parallelization of the tasks, I moved the component to a specific GAE module and used basic scaling, i.e. addressable Bx instances. When I enqueue the tasks for each data segment, I explicitly instruct which basic instance will handle each task by specifying the 'target' option.
With this design, I was able to process 20.000 entities in total within 4-5 seconds (instead of 40'-60'!), using 5 B4 instances.
Now, this has additional costs because of the Bx instances. We 'll have to fine tune the type and number of basic instances we need.