I have two innodb tables:
id | title | sum_votes
1 | art 1 | 5
2 | art 2 |
try this:
PHP: Star rating system concept?
EDIT: changed schema to allow a user to vote for the same image many times:
drop table if exists image;
create table image
image_id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
caption varchar(255) not null,
num_votes int unsigned not null default 0,
total_score int unsigned not null default 0,
rating decimal(8,2) not null default 0
engine = innodb;
drop table if exists image_vote;
create table image_vote
vote_id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
image_id int unsigned not null,
user_id int unsigned not null,
score tinyint unsigned not null default 0,
key (image_id, user_id)
delimiter #
create trigger image_vote_after_ins_trig after insert on image_vote
for each row
update image set
num_votes = num_votes + 1,
total_score = total_score + new.score,
rating = total_score / num_votes
image_id = new.image_id;
delimiter ;
insert into image (caption) values ('image 1'),('image 2'), ('image 3');
insert into image_vote (image_id, user_id, score) values
select * from image;
select * from image_vote;