The data is from Loading the packages required to plot the maps
library(rgdal) #for shapefiles
library(ggmap) #plotting maps
library(ggplot2) #general plots
Reading the shapefile using readOGR
shpfile <- readOGR(dsn = 'data/street-and-places/','StreetsandPlaces',verbose = FALSE)
coords.x1 coords.x2
[1,] 28640.40 29320.77
[2,] 29429.83 28548.69
[3,] 29224.01 28360.38
[4,] 29827.20 29664.26
[5,] 28451.00 29451.78
We observe that the coordinates are in a different projection system. So we have to convert this to web mercator projection system. We transform the shapefile using spTransform.
crsobj <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84") #Web Mercator projection system
shpfile_t <- spTransform(shpfile,crsobj) #Applying projection transformation
df <- #Converting to a data frame
1 103.8391 1.281441
2 103.8462 1.274459
3 103.8443 1.272756
4 103.8497 1.284547
5 103.8374 1.282626
We notice the transformed projection system. Let us plot it on top of a base map.
sgmap <- get_map(location="Singapore", zoom=11,
maptype="roadmap", source="google") #Using Osm base map of Singapore
p <- ggmap(sgmap) +
geom_point(data = df,
aes(x = coords.x1, y = coords.x2),
color = 'orange',size = 1)