I cant figure out how to update/rename a file uploaded/managed with Carrierwave-mongoid in rails 3.2.6. I want to rename the file in the db as well as on the filesystem.
I store image files -- and derivative versions -- in an S3-compatible solution. I use Carrierwave (1.2.2) with the "fog-aws" gem (3.0.0) on Rails 5.1. The following public method works for me when added to the "uploader" file (eg, app/uploaders/example_uploader.rb
class ExampleUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
# Renames original file and versions to match given filename
# Options:
# * +:keep_original+ - Do not remove original file and versions (ie, copy only)
def rename(new_filename, options = {})
return if !file || new_filename == file.filename
target = File.join(store_path, new_filename)
versions.keys.each do |k|
target = File.join(store_path, "#{k}_#{new_filename}")
version = send(k).file
remove! unless options[:keep_original]
model.update_column(mounted_as, new_filename) && model.reload