I cant figure out how to update/rename a file uploaded/managed with Carrierwave-mongoid in rails 3.2.6. I want to rename the file in the db as well as on the filesystem.
The most efficient way to do this is to just move the existing S3 object (assuming your storage layer is S3):
def rename(new_name)
bucket_name = "yourapp-#{Rails.env}"
resource = Aws::S3::Resource.new
bucket = resource.bucket(bucket_name)
object = bucket.object(path)
new_filename = "#{new_name}#{File.extname(path)}"
new_path = File.join(File.dirname(path), new_filename)
object.move_to(bucket: bucket_name, key: new_path)
model.update_column(mounted_as, new_filename)
# Now call `recreate_versions!(*versions.keys)`
# if you want versions updated. Explicitly passing
# versions will prevent the base version getting
# reuploaded.
This is using the aws-sdk-s3