I\'ve googled this a lot but i can\'t find any helpful functions based on my queries.
What i want is:
100 -> 100
1000 -> 1,000
142840 -> 142
I took a different approach based on the previous solutions. Basically it uses the log()
function to get rid of the for
function number_shorten($number, $precision = 3)
$suffixes = ['', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T', 'Qa', 'Qi'];
$index = (int) log(abs($number), 1000);
$index = max(0, min(count($suffixes) - 1, $index)); // Clamps to a valid suffixes' index
return number_format($number / 1000 ** $index, $precision) . $suffixes[$index];