Is there any package that automatically fits a curve using many simple models?
By simple models I mean:
You can fit a Regression Splines and find a good fit by manually adjusting the degrees of freedom a few times. Try the following function: <- function(x, y, df=5) {
## INPUT: x, y are two vectors (predictor and response);
## df is the number of spline basis. Increase "df" to fit more adaptively to the data.
require(splines) # available as default R Package.
bx <- bs(x, df) # B-spline basis matrix as New Predictors (dimension is "length(x)" by "df")
f <- lm(y ~ bx) # Linear Regression on Spline Basis (that is, "df" number of new predictors)
fy <- fitted(f) # Fitted Response
plot(x, y); lines(x, fy, col="blue", lwd=2) # Make a plot to show the fit.
invisible(list(x=bx, y=fy, f=f)) # Return the Basis (new predictors), Fitted Y, Regression
if (F) { # Unit Test, rnorm(100)), rnorm(100), df=20)