I am in the process of implementing SSL on some of my wordpress-powered site\'s pages. Currently I\'m getting mixed content warnings on the secured pages - my custom theme inclu
After all the other migration steps if you still get mixed-content:
sudo apt-get install php5-cli
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar
pushd /var/www/path/
php /path/to/wp-cli.phar search-replace 'http://example.com' 'https://example.com' --skip-columns=guid --dry-run
if ok,
php /path/to/wp-cli.phar search-replace 'http://example.com' 'https://example.com' --skip-columns=guid
from: https://helgeklein.com/blog/2015/01/switching-wordpress-site-http-https/