Given the latitude and longitude of a location, how does one know what time zone is in effect in that location?
In most cases, we are looking for an IANA/Olson time z
If you prefer to avoid a web service, you can retrieve that information from the browser like this:
var d = new Date();
var usertime = d.toLocaleString();
//some browsers / OSs provide the timezone name in their local string
//in other browsers the timezone needs to be estimated based on the offset
var timezonenames = {"UTC+0":"GMT","UTC+1":"CET","UTC+2":"EET","UTC+3":"EEDT","UTC+3.5":"IRST","UTC+4":"MSD","UTC+4.5":"AFT","UTC+5":"PKT","UTC+5.5":"IST","UTC+6":"BST","UTC+6.5":"MST","UTC+7":"THA","UTC+8":"AWST","UTC+9":"AWDT","UTC+9.5":"ACST","UTC+10":"AEST","UTC+10.5":"ACDT","UTC+11":"AEDT","UTC+11.5":"NFT","UTC+12":"NZST","UTC-1":"AZOST","UTC-2":"GST","UTC-3":"BRT","UTC-3.5":"NST","UTC-4":"CLT","UTC-4.5":"VET","UTC-5":"EST","UTC-6":"CST","UTC-7":"MST","UTC-8":"PST","UTC-9":"AKST","UTC-9.5":"MIT","UTC-10":"HST","UTC-11":"SST","UTC-12":"BIT"};
var timezone = usertime.match(tzsregex);
if (timezone) {
timezone = timezone[timezone.length-1];
} else {
var offset = -1*d.getTimezoneOffset()/60;
offset = "UTC" + (offset >= 0 ? "+" + offset : offset);
timezone = timezonenames[offset];
//there are 3 variables can use to see the timezone
// usertime - full date
// offset - UTC offset time
// timezone - country
console.log('Full Date: ' + usertime);
console.log('UTC Offset: ' + offset);
console.log('Country Code Timezone: ' + timezone);
In my current case it is printing:
Full Date: 27/01/2014 16:53:37 UTC Offset: UTC-3 Country Code Timezone: BRT
Hope it can be helpful.