Given the latitude and longitude of a location, how does one know what time zone is in effect in that location?
In most cases, we are looking for an IANA/Olson time z
For those of us using Javascript and looking to get a timezone from a zip code via Google APIs, here is one method.
Note: my understanding is that zipcodes are not unique across countries, so this is likely best suited for use in the USA.
const googleMapsClient; // instantiate your client here
const zipcode = '90210'
const myDateThatNeedsTZAdjustment; // define your date that needs adjusting
// fetch lat/lng from google api by zipcode
const geocodeResponse = await googleMapsClient.geocode({ address: zipcode }).asPromise();
if (geocodeResponse.json.status === 'OK') {
lat = geocodeResponse.json.results[0];
lng = geocodeResponse.json.results[0].geometry.location.lng;
} else {
console.log('Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' + status);
// prepare lat/lng and timestamp of profile created_at to fetch time zone
const location = `${lat},${lng}`;
const timestamp = new Date().valueOf() / 1000;
const timezoneResponse = await googleMapsClient
.timezone({ location: location, timestamp: timestamp })
const timeZoneId = timezoneResponse.json.timeZoneId;
// adjust by setting timezone
const timezoneAdjustedDate = DateTime.fromJSDate(