It seems that this solution no longer works -
How to get a user's Instagram feed
The new API requires an access token which is dynamically assigned after pas
Try this php library:
And here is example (
getMedias('kevin', 25);
// Let's look at $media
$media = $medias[0];
echo "Media info:\n";
echo "Id: {$media->getId()}\n";
echo "Shotrcode: {$media->getShortCode()}\n";
echo "Created at: {$media->getCreatedTime()}\n";
echo "Caption: {$media->getCaption()}\n";
echo "Number of comments: {$media->getCommentsCount()}";
echo "Number of likes: {$media->getLikesCount()}";
echo "Get link: {$media->getLink()}";
echo "High resolution image: {$media->getImageHighResolutionUrl()}";
echo "Media type (video or image): {$media->getType()}";
$account = $media->getOwner();
echo "Account info:\n";
echo "Id: {$account->getId()}\n";
echo "Username: {$account->getUsername()}\n";
echo "Full name: {$account->getFullName()}\n";
echo "Profile pic url: {$account->getProfilePicUrl()}\n";
// If account private you should be subscribed and after auth it will be available
$instagram = \InstagramScraper\Instagram::withCredentials('username', 'password', 'path/to/cache/folder');
$medias = $instagram->getMedias('private_account', 100);