I am trying to solve a problem in which i am supposed to change a colour image to a greyscale image. For this purpose i am using CUDA parallel approach.
The kerne code i
Now, since I posted this question I have been continuously working on this problem
there are a couple of improvements that should be done in order to get this problem correct now I realize my initial solution was wrong .
Changes to be done:-
1. absolute_position_x =(blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
2. absolute_position_y = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
1. const dim3 blockSize(24, 24, 1);
2. const dim3 gridSize((numCols/16), (numRows/16) , 1);
In the solution we are using a grid of numCols/16 * numCols/16
and blocksize of 24 * 24
code executed in 0.040576 ms
@datenwolf : thanks for answering above!!!