I have a list in which each list item is a word frequency table derived from using \"table()\" on a different sample text. Each table is, therefore, a different length. I want
Here is an inelegant way that gets the job done. I'm sure there's a 1-liner out there just for this, but I dunno where either:
myList <- list(t1=t1, t2=t2, t3=t3)
myList <- lapply(myList,as.data.frame,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Words <- unique(unlist(lapply(myList,function(x) x[,1])))
DFmerge <- data.frame(Words=Words)
for (i in 1:3){
DFmerge <- merge(DFmerge,myList[[i]],by.x="Words",by.y="Var1",all.x=TRUE)
colnames(DFmerge) <- c("Words","t1","t2","t3")
And looking around a bit more, here's another way that gives output more similar to that in the linked blog post: [Edit: works now]
myList <- list(t1=t1, t2=t2, t3=t3)
myList <- lapply(myList,function(x) {
A <- as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(x),nrow=1))
colnames(A) <- names(x)
A[,colnames(A) != ""]
Also ugly, so maybe a better answer will still come along.