I am currently attempting to connect to multiple BLE devices using BlueZ 5.0 and Linux. I have one host BLE adapter and I have modified the gatttool to connect and perform this
WE have combined the code from hcitool and gatttool. The code works well for 2 device (scan, hci_le_create_conn and gatt_connect). I believe there is no limitation on the number of devices used.
1 Start cmd_lescan (from hcitool.c)
2.For each device scanned -
cmd_lecc (from hcitool.c)
gatt_connect (from gatttool.c)
This way one process can manage multiple BLE device. We do not have to turn OFF the scanning, just have ignore non advertisement messages:
if (meta->subevent != 0x02)
Thanks and looking forward to comments.