I have an issue related to calculating business days in Objective-C.
I need to add X
business days to a given NSDate
For example, if
this answer is late to the party but…. I thought i might improve on above answers to determine business days by working with NSDateComponents directly of your date in a nice loop.
#define CURRENTC [NSCalendar currentCalendar]
#define CURRENTD [NSDate date]
NSInteger theWeekday;
NSDateComponents* temporalComponents = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[temporalComponents setCalendar:CURRENTC];
[temporalComponents setDay: 13];
[temporalComponents setMonth: 2];
[temporalComponents setYear: theYear];
// CURRENTC =the current calendar which determines things like how
// many days in week for local, also the critical “what is a weekend”
// you can also convert a date directly to components. but the critical thing is
// to get the CURRENTC in, either way.
case 3:{ // the case of finding business days
NSDateComponents* startComp = [temporalComponents copy]; // start date components
for (int i = 1; i <= offset; i++) //offset is the number of busi days you want.
do {
[temporalComponents setDay: [temporalComponents day] + 1];
NSDate* tempDate = [CURRENTC dateFromComponents:temporalComponents];
theWeekday = [[CURRENTC components:NSWeekdayCalendarUnit fromDate:tempDate] weekday];
} while ((theWeekday == 1) || (theWeekday == 7));
[self findHolidaysStart:startComp end:temporalComponents]; // much more involved routine.
[startComp release];
// use startComp and temporalcomponents before releasing
// temporalComponents now contain an offset of the real number of days
// needed to offset for busi days. startComp is just your starting date….(in components)
// theWeekday is an integer between 1 for sunday, and 7 for saturday, (also determined
turning this back into NSDate, and you are done. Holidays are much more involved.. but can actually be calculated if just using federal holidays and a few others. because they are always something like “3rd monday of January”
here is what the findHolidaysStart:startComp end: starts out like, you can imagine the rest.
// imported
[holidayArray addObject:[CURRENTC dateFromComponents:startComp]];
[holidayArray addObject:[CURRENTC dateFromComponents:endComp]];
// hardcoded
dateComponents = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[dateComponents setCalendar:CURRENTC];
[dateComponents setDay: 1];
[dateComponents setMonth: 1];
[dateComponents setYear: theYear];
theWeekday = [[CURRENTC components:NSWeekdayCalendarUnit fromDate:[CURRENTC dateFromComponents:dateComponents]] weekday];
if (theWeekday == 1) [dateComponents setDay:2];
if (theWeekday == 7) {[dateComponents setDay:31]; [dateComponents setYear: theYear-1];}
[holidayArray addObject:[CURRENTC dateFromComponents:dateComponents]];
[dateComponents release];