I am trying to load two shared libraries in my Android application through the loadLibrary
I had the same problem on building libwebsockets for Android, which needs to link with OpenSSL. I use libssl.so as example. You should do the same for related .so files.
huiying@huiying-PORTEGE-R835:~$ objdump -p libssl.so | grep so
libssl.so: file format elf32-little
NEEDED libcrypto.so.1.0.0
NEEDED libdl.so
NEEDED libc.so
SONAME libssl.so.1.0.0
huiying@huiying-PORTEGE-R835:~$ rpl -R -e .so.1.0.0 "_1_0_0.so" libssl.so
Replacing ".so.1.0.0" with "_1_0_0.so" (case sensitive) (partial words matched)
A Total of 2 matches replaced in 1 file searched.
huiying@huiying-PORTEGE-R835:~$ objdump -p libssl.so | grep so
libssl.so: file format elf32-little
NEEDED libcrypto_1_0_0.so
NEEDED libdl.so
NEEDED libc.so
SONAME libssl_1_0_0.so
And don't forget to change file name "libssl.so" to "libssl_1_0_0.so".
The hack works. I have running Android app to prove it. See my rant at http://computervisionandjava.blogspot.com/2015/05/trouble-with-versioned-shared-libraries.html.