I am having trouble connecting two Android devices via Bluetooth, which happens only when they have been paired before. I am running one as the server and the other as the clien
In the client when I attempt to make a connection to a bonded device, I simply called it on the BluetoothDevice I found in BluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices()
. This does NOT work.
In order to properly establish the Bluetooth connection, I had to do something similar to the pseudocode below:
BluetoothDevice bonded = a device from BluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices();
BluetoothDevice actual = BluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(bonded.getAddress());
BluetoothSocket socket = actual.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(SOME_UUID);
I arrived this answer by following exactly the Bluetooth chat example: Bluetooth Chat Service. Why it doesn't work on the device from getBondedDevices()
is beyond me. Maybe someone with more intimate knowledge of Android can answer that.