I\'m new with AngularJS. I must create customs controls for a video player (HTML5 ).
Basically, I would use
I also used videojs
bower install videojs --save
I wanted to use my directive in a ng-repeat
and with a scope object, so... here's my version of it with props to Eduard above. I didn't seem to have a problem with the video player disposal, but the source tag issue referenced was an actual problem.
I also decided to write this up as an answer, so that I could give an example of how one might want to handle the videojs events.
IMPORTANT! Please note I am using Angular.js with Jinja2 templates, so I had to change my Angular HTML interpolation markers to {[ ]}
from {{ }}
in case anyone notices that as weird. I'll include that code too, so it's not weird for anyone.
Interpolation tweak
app.config(['$interpolateProvider', function($interpolateProvider) {
angular.module('myModule').directive('uiVideo', function () {
// Function for logging videojs events, possibly to server
function playLog(player, videoId, action, logToDb) {
action = action || 'view';
var time = player.currentTime().toFixed(3);
if (logToDb) {
// Implement your own server logging here
// Paused
if (player.paused()) {
console.log('playLog: ', action + " at " + time + " " + videoId);
// Playing
} else {
console.log('playLog: ', action + ", while playing at " + time + " " + videoId);
if (action === 'play') {
var wrapFn = function () {
playLog(player, videoId, action, logToDb);
setTimeout(wrapFn, 1000);
return {
template: [
scope: {
video: '=video',
logToDb: '=logToDb'
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.logToDb = scope.logToDb || false;
var videoEl = element[0].children[0].children[0];
var vp = videojs(videoEl, {},
this.on("firstplay", function(){
playLog(vp, scope.video.id, 'firstplay', scope.logToDb);
this.on("play", function(){
playLog(vp, scope.video.id, 'play', scope.logToDb);
this.on("pause", function(){
playLog(vp, scope.video.id, 'pause', scope.logToDb);
this.on("seeking", function(){
playLog(vp, scope.video.id, 'seeking', scope.logToDb);
this.on("seeked", function(){
playLog(vp, scope.video.id, 'seeked', scope.logToDb);
this.on("ended", function(){
playLog(vp, scope.video.id, 'ended', scope.logToDb);
Directive HTML usage