I have a component (table) that contains many lines with data editing in them, with masks in the form of contenteditable
, it is possible to select all fields and ch
Adding to above answer, you should use react-perf module to exactly validate if any change actually made a performance gain.
use this extension to exactly see how many times, each component on your page actually rendered, when you did your problematic/slow user interaction
Put componentWillUpdate lifecycle hook, temporarily, and diff previous and next props/states. With this you would get the exact prop culprit behind a rendering. Unneccessary prop change might be in following scenarios:
and using READ_ONLY_OBJECT everytime a variable needs initialization. There can be more reasons to where we dont want a render but it happens because of the ways react works. Just see that props dont change unnecessarily. Also, dont put unnecssary componentWillRecieveProps/shouldCompoentUpdate checks as it can impact performance negatively. Also when using these, use these as higher in heirarchy as possible.
Some techniques to use
Also, similarly, in react try to do events in batched manner so as to reduce amount of time spent in react's renderings and diffing algorithms. Try clubing setStates in react or actions in redux to reduce react scripting time.
Always use appropriate throttling/debouncing techniques while implementing input controls, to get immediate response. You can also use uncontrolled components to have immediate response, if your business logic allows. Idea is to not to run any javascript when user is typing or interacting with your page in any way, else he would notice the jank in devices particularly bad in computing power.
Your action handlers should not be lengthy. If lengthy, try to do them in chunks, asynchronously, with redux-actions or with just promises.
There is more to this list, but the problem is, react as a framewaork is pretty easy to get to work, initially, but sooner or later, any medium sized react app will run into these performance problems, as react's diffing and rendering logic incurs a lot of performance penalties in bad devices, as soon as app grows in size, only option is to get react-performance tools, also, into the build process, asap. This will let you validate and measure your improvements.