I\'m using DetectedActivityFence from Google Awareness API. It\'s working fine on my own devices, but I received a several crashes in Crashlytics about SecurityException
From: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=223751#c2
There is a bug in our checks that is sometimes throwing this SecurityException when there is a network error to authenticate. The fix will rollout in the next version of Google Play services.
For now, the best workaround would be set up an UncaughtExceptionHandler on the thread that you call GoogleApiClient.connect(). For most folks, this would be on the main thread, which you can get via Looper.myLooper().getThread().
But you will also notice that replies indicate that is not a solid work around.
You may also notice that the OP of that thread references this SO post, but the accepted answer doesn't back reference the thread, even though they copied from it verbatim. Very bad form!