Embedding higher kinded types (monads!) into the untyped lambda calculus

前端 未结 3 922
谎友^ 2021-02-04 17:58

It\'s possible to encode various types in the untyped lambda calculus through higher order functions.

zero  = λfx.      x
one   = λfx.     fx
two   = λ         

  •  说谎
    说谎 (楼主)
    2021-02-04 18:15

    It's possible to represent pretty much any type you want. But since monadic operations are implemented differently for every type, it is not possible to write >>= once and have it work for every instance.

    However, you can write generic functions that depend on evidence of the instance of the typeclass. Consider e here to be a tuple, where fst e contains a "bind" definition, and snd e contains a "return" definition.

    bind = λe. fst e    -- after applying evidence, bind looks like λmf. ___
    return = λe. snd e  -- after applying evidence, return looks like λx. ___
    fst = λt. t true
    snd = λt. t false
    -- join x = x >>= id
    join = λex. bind e x (λz. z)
    -- liftM f m1 = do { x1 <- m1; return (f x1) }
    -- m1 >>= \x1 -> return (f x1)
    liftM = λefm. bind e m (λx. return e (f x))

    You would then have to define an "evidence tuple" for every instance of Monad. Notice that the way we defined bind and return: they work just like the other "generic" Monad methods we have defined: they must first be given evidence of Monad-ness, and then they function as expected.

    We can represent Maybe as a function that takes 2 inputs, the first is a function to perform if it is Just x, and the second is a value to replace it with if it is Nothing.

    just = λxfz. f x
    nothing = λfz. z
    -- bind and return for maybes
    bindMaybe = λmf. m f nothing
    returnMaybe = just
    maybeMonadEvidence = tuple bindMaybe returnMaybe

    Lists are similar, represent a List as its folding function. Therefore, a list is a function that takes 2 inputs, a "cons" and an "empty". It then performs foldr myCons myEmpty on the list.

    nil = λcz. z
    cons = λhtcz. c h (t c z)
    bindList = λmf. concat (map f m)
    returnList = λx. cons x nil
    listMonadEvidence = tuple bindList returnList
    -- concat = foldr (++) []
    concat = λl. l append nil
    -- append xs ys = foldr (:) ys xs
    append = λxy. x cons y
    -- map f = foldr ((:) . f) []
    map = λfl. l (λx. cons (f x)) nil

    Either is also straightforward. Represent an either type as a function that takes two functions: one to apply if it is a Left, and another to apply if it is a Right.

    left = λlfg. f l
    right = λrfg. g r
    -- Left l >>= f = Left l
    -- Right r >>= f = f r
    bindEither = λmf. m left f
    returnEither = right
    eitherMonadEvidence = tuple bindEither returnEither

    Don't forget, functions themselves (a ->) form a monad. And everything in the lambda calculus is a function...so...don't think about it too hard. ;) Inspired directly from the source of Control.Monad.Instances

    -- f >>= k = \ r -> k (f r) r
    bindFunc = λfkr. k (f r) r
    -- return = const
    returnFunc = λxy. x
    funcMonadEvidence = tuple bindFunc returnFunc
