I\'m having loads of trouble getting my Chef recipe to clone a private repo. Well, I had it working yesterday but after \'cheffin\' my Vagrant box half a dozen times, I\'ve brok
It took a good couple of days to figure this out properly.
Just to clarify, this is what I did to fix it. I do not know if it's correct, but it works for me.
Generate a set of public and private keys following this tutorial.
Add the public key to the Github repo that you want to clone.
Create a template in my default recipe which includes both the public and private keys. See below.
Created the relevant templates for the pub and private keys.
Created the chef_ssh_deploy_wrapper.sh.erb file (see below)
Created a deploy.rb recipe (see below)
Uploaded and added the recipes to my role. Ran chef-client.
Hey presto! Sit back with a beer and watch your repo. smartly cloned into your dir.
Create the directories and templates:
template "/tmp/.ssh/chef_ssh_deploy_wrapper.sh" do
source "chef_ssh_deploy_wrapper.sh.erb"
owner node[:base][:username]
mode 0770
template "/home/#{node[:base][:username]}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" do
source "id_rsa.pub.erb"
owner node[:base][:username]
mode 0600
template "/home/#{node[:base][:username]}/.ssh/id_rsa" do
source "id_rsa.erb"
owner node[:base][:username]
mode 0600
Create an ssh wrapper chef_ssh_deploy_wrapper.erb
exec ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "/home/#{node[:base][:username]}/.ssh/id_rsa" "$@"
(Make sure you use the private key here or it will fail)
Finally the deploy.rb recipe:
deploy_branch node[:my_app][:deploy_to] do
repo node[:base][:repository]
ssh_wrapper "/tmp/.ssh/chef_ssh_deploy_wrapper.sh"
branch "rails4"
user node[:base][:username]
group node[:base][:username]
rollback_on_error true
migrate false
environment "RAILS_ENV" => node[:my_app][:environment]
purge_before_symlink %w{conf data log tmp public/system public/assets}
create_dirs_before_symlink []
"config" => "config",
"data" => "data",
"log" => "log",
"tmp" => "tmp",
"system" => "public/system",
"assets" => "public/assets"
scm_provider Chef::Provider::Git # is the default, for svn: Chef::Provider::Subversion
before_restart do
system("su #{node[:base][:username]} -c 'cd #{node[:my_app][:deploy_to]}/current && /usr/bin/bundle install'") or raise "bundle install failed"
system("su #{node[:base][:username]} -c 'RAILS_ENV=production /usr/local/bin/rake assets:precompile'")
notifies :restart, "service[my_app]"
notifies :restart, "service[nginx]"
The before restart has since been replaced as we were initially compiling ruby from source but decided to use rvm in the end. Much easier for multi-user installations.
NB: I'm deploying as an sudo user, if you're doing so as root (avoid this), use the /root/.ssh path instead.
I took much inspiration from this article.
Good luck, I hope this helps someone.