I am making a 3D project with threejs which allows control of the camera with mouse for computer devices, and also allows control with touch events and deviceorientation event f
I found a solution using a function to convert quaternions to radians, so I wanted to share it if someone wants to do a click/touch+device orientation control using OrbitControls.
I take the initial orientation (x1,y1,z1) and calculate the new one (x2,y2,z3) and the difference between them is the variation of the rotation done by the camera. I add these line to the initial update function
this.update = function () {
// Z
const alpha = scope.deviceOrientation.alpha
? THREE.Math.degToRad(scope.deviceOrientation.alpha)
: 0;
// X'
const beta = scope.deviceOrientation.beta
? THREE.Math.degToRad(scope.deviceOrientation.beta)
: 0;
// Y''
const gamma = scope.deviceOrientation.gamma
? THREE.Math.degToRad(scope.deviceOrientation.gamma)
: 0;
// O
const orient = scope.screenOrientation
? THREE.Math.degToRad(scope.screenOrientation)
: 0;
const currentQ = new THREE.Quaternion().copy(scope.object.quaternion);
setObjectQuaternion(currentQ, alpha, beta, gamma, orient);
const currentAngle = Quat2Angle(currentQ.x, currentQ.y, currentQ.z, currentQ.w);
// currentAngle.z = left - right
this.rotateLeft((lastGamma - currentAngle.z) / 2);
lastGamma = currentAngle.z;
// currentAngle.y = up - down
this.rotateUp(lastBeta - currentAngle.y);
lastBeta = currentAngle.y;
function onDeviceOrientationChangeEvent(event) {
scope.deviceOrientation = event;
window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', onDeviceOrientationChangeEvent, false);
function onScreenOrientationChangeEvent(event) {
scope.screenOrientation = window.orientation || 0;
window.addEventListener('orientationchange', onScreenOrientationChangeEvent, false);
var setObjectQuaternion = function () {
const zee = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1);
const euler = new THREE.Euler();
const q0 = new THREE.Quaternion();
const q1 = new THREE.Quaternion(-Math.sqrt(0.5), 0, 0, Math.sqrt(0.5));
return function (quaternion, alpha, beta, gamma, orient) {
// 'ZXY' for the device, but 'YXZ' for us
euler.set(beta, alpha, -gamma, 'YXZ');
// Orient the device
// camera looks out the back of the device, not the top
// adjust for screen orientation
quaternion.multiply(q0.setFromAxisAngle(zee, -orient));
} ();
function Quat2Angle(x, y, z, w) {
let pitch, roll, yaw;
const test = x * y + z * w;
// singularity at north pole
if (test > 0.499) {
yaw = Math.atan2(x, w) * 2;
pitch = Math.PI / 2;
roll = 0;
return new THREE.Vector3(pitch, roll, yaw);
// singularity at south pole
if (test < -0.499) {
yaw = -2 * Math.atan2(x, w);
pitch = -Math.PI / 2;
roll = 0;
return new THREE.Vector3(pitch, roll, yaw);
const sqx = x * x;
const sqy = y * y;
const sqz = z * z;
yaw = Math.atan2((2 * y * w) - (2 * x * z), 1 - (2 * sqy) - (2 * sqz));
pitch = Math.asin(2 * test);
roll = Math.atan2((2 * x * w) - (2 * y * z), 1 - (2 * sqx) - (2 * sqz));
return new THREE.Vector3(pitch, roll, yaw);