I am new to NHibernate and I am trying to learn how to query my data.
Below is the configuration xml. Only the recipe is shown.
I want to be able to query recipe
Here is the above criteria with dynamic keywords
string searchQuery = "wine pasta";
ICriteria query = Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Recipe), "r")
.CreateCriteria("Ingredients", "i", JoinType.InnerJoin)
.SetFetchMode("Images", FetchMode.Join)
.SetFetchMode("Comments", FetchMode.Join)
.SetFetchMode("Ingredients", FetchMode.Join)
.SetResultTransformer(new DistinctRootEntityResultTransformer());
var keywords = searchQuery.Split(' ');
Disjunction keywordsCriteria = Restrictions.Disjunction();
foreach (var keyword in keywords)
keywordsCriteria.Add(Restrictions.Like("i.IngredientName", string.Format("%{0}%", keyword)));
keywordsCriteria.Add(Restrictions.Like("r.RecipeTitle", string.Format("%{0}%", keyword)));
List result = query.List();