There is a new badge on Stack Overflow. The \"woot\" badge is awarded to users visited the site each day for 30 days. How can you implement a feature like this? How can you trac
Actually, if the Member's visits are in a SQL database, you can do the whole thing with a single SQL query. This is also probably faster than schlepping all of the data over to a client program to check it anyway:
Find all members who visited at least once every day
for 30 or more days. --RBarryYoung, 2009-05-31
cteVisitDays as (
, DATEDIFF(dd,'2008-06-01',VisitTime) as VisitDay
From tblMembersLog
Where Not Exists( Select * From tblMemberTags T
Where T.MemberID = tblMembersLog.MemberID
And T.TagName = 'WOOT!' )
Group By MemberID
, DATEDIFF(dd,'2008-06-01',VisitTime)
, cteVisitRunGroups as (
, VisitDay - Row_Number() Over(
Partition By MemberID
Order By VisitDay
) as RunGrouping
From cteVisitDays
SELECT Distinct
From cteVistRunGroups
Group By MemberId, RunGrouping
Having COUNT(*) >= 30