I want a textarea with some default text. When the user clicks in the textarea the default text should be deleted. How can I make value of a textarea disappear on click?
This should work:
.focusin(function() {
if ( this.value == 'Write something...' ) {
this.value = '';
.focusout(function() {
if ( this.value == '' ) {
this.value = 'Write something...';
Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/g7UKN/1/
This should do it:
.each(function() {
$(this).data('default', this.value);
.focusin(function() {
if ( this.value == $(this).data('default') ) {
this.value = '';
.focusout(function() {
if ( this.value == '' ) {
this.value = $(this).data('default');
Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/g7UKN/2/