I need a method to format a NSTimeInterval
(time span in seconds) into a string to produce something like \"about 10 minutes ago\", \"1h, 20min\",
This is a category for NSDate. It's not exactly using an NSTimeInterval, well internally :) I assume you are working with timestamps.
Header file NSDate+PrettyDate.h
@interface NSDate (PrettyDate)
- (NSString *)prettyDate;
Implementation NSDate+PrettyDate.m
@implementation NSDate (PrettyDate)
- (NSString *)prettyDate
NSString * prettyTimestamp;
float delta = [self timeIntervalSinceNow] * -1;
if (delta < 60) {
prettyTimestamp = @"just now";
} else if (delta < 120) {
prettyTimestamp = @"one minute ago";
} else if (delta < 3600) {
prettyTimestamp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d minutes ago", (int) floor(delta/60.0) ];
} else if (delta < 7200) {
prettyTimestamp = @"one hour ago";
} else if (delta < 86400) {
prettyTimestamp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d hours ago", (int) floor(delta/3600.0) ];
} else if (delta < ( 86400 * 2 ) ) {
prettyTimestamp = @"one day ago";
} else if (delta < ( 86400 * 7 ) ) {
prettyTimestamp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d days ago", (int) floor(delta/86400.0) ];
} else {
NSDateFormatter * formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterMediumStyle];
prettyTimestamp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"on %@", [formatter stringFromDate:self]];
[formatter release];
return prettyTimestamp;