I want to implement basic Deferred object without using jQuery. Here i will be implementing only done and fail callbacks, with resolve and reject functions. and ofCourse associa
I think it's good to un-assign the callbacks after they are called to avoid memory leaks and also execute ones added later straight away.
function deferred() {
let thens = []
let catches = []
let status
let resolvedValue
let rejectedError
return {
resolve: value => {
status = 'resolved'
resolvedValue = value
thens.forEach(t => t(value))
thens = [] // Avoid memleaks.
reject: error => {
status = 'rejected'
rejectedError = error
catches.forEach(c => c(error))
catches = [] // Avoid memleaks.
then: cb => {
if (status === 'resolved') {
} else {
catch: cb => {
if (status === 'rejected') {
} else {
const d = deferred()
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
// Will be called after 1s
d.then(value => console.log('#1 resolved!', value))
setTimeout(() => {
// Will be called after 3s and executed right away as it's already resolved
d.then(value => console.log('#2 resolved!', value))
}, 3000)